We Like These Links! (I hope you find it useful too!)
We Like These Links! (I hope you find it useful too!)
www.aspectbc.co.uk - Great people, Great Products (telecoms/PABX/IT Support)
http://www.businesslink.gov.uk - Great resource for small business set up
http://www.wateraid.org/uk/ - Something we believe in strongly - please support
http://www.space.com/spaceflight/ - You cant get bigger than this!
http://www.wikipedia.org/ - Information is for everyone. We believe in this too
http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ - Let's find ET!
http://www.worldpeace.com/ - let's make the world about peace..why not?
http://www.vegansociety.com - Food for thought...
http://storyofstuff.org - Stuff for thought....Let's make stuff count and happen!
More links will be added soon....we have so many just sorting out the ones for public consumption!!